Сегодня в далеком городе Лас-Вегасе стартовал первый в этом году СПН-конвент
В конвенте примут участие: Дженсен, Джаред, Миша, Джим Бивер, Марк Шеппард, Ричард Спейт, Роб Бенедикт, Чад Линдберг, Мэтт Коэн, Себастьян Роше, Джули Макнивен, Саманта Смит, Эмили Перкинс, Гэбриел Тайгерман, Джеймс Патрик Стюарт и Тай Олсон, вроде, никого не забыла. В программе заявлены - панели, много, обычные и приватные, традиционное караоке вечером в пятницу от Ричарда и Мэтта, коктейль-пати в субботу и воскресенье, концерт группы Роба - Louden Swain в воскресенье, Ричард в качестве хозяина конвента и много других интересностей.
Твиттер - #VegasCon, #SinCon
Страничка СуперВики - здесь
Сайт конвента - здесь
Friday, March 8, 2013
Friday, March 8, 2013
9:30 am to 10 am: Vendors Room Set-Up/Vendors Only
10 am to 7:30 pm Vendors Room Open
10 am to 11 am: Pre-Registration for Gold Weekend Patrons, not a necessity but a convenience.
10:50 am to 11:50 am in The Miranda 3 Room: Private Meet and Greet for Ten Lucky Fans with Rob Benedict, Matt Cohen and Richard Speight, Jr. SOLD OUT
11 am to 11:45 am: Pre-Registration for Silver Weekend Patrons, not a necessity but a convenience.
11:45 am to 7:30 pm Registration Open for All
Noon to 1 pm in Miranda 3: Private Meet and Greet for Ten Lucky Fans with James Patrick Stuart, Chad Lindberg, and Gabriel Tigerman. SOLD OUT.
12:20 pm to 7 pm Theatre Open
1:00 pm Elastic Waste Band, our house band, opens the show!
1:15 pm Welcome with your host Richard Speight, Jr. (Trickster)
1:30 pm Matt Cohen (Young John Winchester) and Rob Benedict (Chuck Shurley/Carver Edlund)
2:30 pm The Supernatural Yes/No Game: win gift certificates by showing off your knowledge of all things Supernatural! Be in the audience to play!
2:45 pm Photo Op with Matt Cohen, tickets at registration for $45
3:00 pm Music Video Mix
3:00 pm Photo Op with Favorite Stars Duo of Richard Speight, Jr and Matt Cohen (dressed in their normal convention attire: $69
3:25 pm Chad Lindberg (Ash) and Gabriel Tigerman (Andrew Gallagher)
4:05 pm Photo Op with Rob Benedict, tickets at registration for $40
4:05 pm Music Video Mix
4:30 pm James Patrick Stuart (Dick Roman)
5:30 pm On one side of the theatre: Autographs (complimentary and called row by row for Gold and Silver Weekend Patrons, followed by those with separate autograph tickets available at registration for $25 each) with Matt Cohen and Rob Benedict
5:30 pm Photo Op with Chad Lindberg, tickets at registration for $40 Please get these done and then come back for autographs if applicable.
5:50 pm Photo Op with Gabriel Tigerman, tickets at registration for $40 Please get these done and then come back for autographs if applicable.
6:10 pm Photo Op with James Patrick Stuart, tickets at registration for $40 Please get these done and then come back for autographs if applicable.
6:40 pm Photo Op with Richard Speight, Jr., tickets at registration for $45. Please get these done and then come back for autographs if applicable.
7:00 pm On the other side of the theatre: Autographs with Chad Lindberg, Gabriel Tigerman and James Patrick Stuart all of whom are signing only for those with autograph tickets, which are available at registration for: $25 for James Patrick Stewart, $20 for Chad or Gabriel.
7:15 pm in the theatre: Autographs with Richard Speight, Jr. (called in number order) Tickets at registration (while open) for $25
9 pm The Friday Evening Free for All:
Starring Kings Richard Speight, Jr. and Matt Cohen, joined by Chad Lindberg, James Patrick Stuart, Gabriel Tigerman and Rob Benedict. It’s Vegas so you never know who might show up!?!
Approximately 10 pm: KARAOKE KINGS DUO PHOTO OP: Richard Speight, Jr. and Matt Cohen in their “Viva Vegas” outfits, done during the Karaoke evening show. $69 at registration please purchase during the day
Saturday March 9, 2013Saturday March 9, 2013
8:15 am to 8:45 am Pre-Registration for Gold Weekend Patrons
8:45 am to 9 am Vendors Room Set-Up
8:45 am to 9:15 am Pre-Registration for Silver/Preferred Weekend Patrons
9 am to 7:45 pm Vendors Room Open to all
9:15 am to 8 pm Registration and Theatre Open for All
9:25 am In The Coco Room A: Private Meet and Greet for Ten Lucky Fans with Misha Collins. SOLD OUT
10 am Photo Ops with Jim Beaver, tickets at registration for $60
10:30 am Music Video Open
10:40 am Richard Speight, Jr. Welcome
10:45 am Music Video Presentation
10:50 am Emily Perkins (Becky Rosen)
11:30 am Misha Collins (Castiel)
12:40 pm Lunch for our Gold Weekend Patrons with special half hour exclusive J and J panel (Jensen and Jared will be joining us at approximately 2 pm, doors open at 12:40 pm for lunch which features a delicious array of deli selections. AMAZON BALLROOM A-D.
12:45 pm Rob Benedict (Chuck/Carver 2nd appearance)
1:30 pm Jim Beaver (Bobby) first of his two appearances this weekend as we know our Gold Patrons who are in the lunch will get to see Jim Sunday as well!
2:35pm – 3:20pm Jensen Solo Photo Ops (those with Jared’s private meet & greet may go first) SOLD OUT Note: the line for Jensen’s solo photo op will begin right outside the photo op room, down the Miranda patio and through the public corridor. Only those with photo op tickets should get on line. If you have additional photo ops after this, please follow the instructions for those after you are done with Jensen’s.
2:35 pm Angels, Demons and Creatures: a presentation that will put you in the mood for all the convention activities!
2:45pm – 3:15pm Jared Padalecki Private Meet & Greet for 20 lucky fans in Coco Room B. SOLD OUT
3:20 pm Richard Speight, Jr.
3:20pm – 4:05pm Jared & Jensen Duo Photo Ops SOLD OUT Those with duo photo op tickets should be seated (please sit in front rows first filling each seat) in the AMAZON Q ROOM. You will be escorted to photo op. If you have a Jared sold photo op please follow the instructions listed for that photo op after this one.
4:00 pm in the Vendors Room: Autographs with Jim Beaver, tickets available at registration for $35 Please note that Jim is also doing a signing tomorrow.
4:05pm – 4:50pm Jared Padalecki Solo Photo Ops (those with Jensen’s private meet & greet may go first) SOLD OUT Jared’s solo photo op line will begin between the Miranda and Brasilia Theatre and extend down the public corridor. Only those with photo op tickets should get on this line.
4:10 pm to 5 pm in the Vendors Room: Autographs with Emily Perkins and Rob Benedict, tickets available at registration for $20 for Emily and $25 for Rob (Rob is only signing for those with his autograph ticket today, he signed on a complimentary basis for Gold and Silver Weekend Patrons yesterday). If you have photo ops, always best to get those done frist and then come back for autographs.
4:15pm – 4:45pm in The Coco Room B: Jensen Ackles Private meet & greet for 20 lucky fans SOLD OUT
4:15 pm Stage Reset
4:30 pm to 5:15 pm Supernatural and Genre No Minimum Bid Auction: cool collectibles are yours for the bidding in this quick moving event!
5:05 pm Photo Op with Rob Benedict and Emily Perkins, tickets at registration for $65
5:15 pm Photo Op with Emily Perkins, tickets at registration for $40
5:15 pm to 5:35 pm Music Video Mix or Band
5:35pm – 6:35pm Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki
6:45pm – 7:15pm Trio photo ops: YOU with Jensen, Jared and Misha SOLD OUT
7:20 pm Autographs with Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki, complimentary for our Gold and Silver Patrons (called row by row) followed by those with separate autograph tickets (called by number). J & J AUTO TKTS ARE SOLD OUT.
7:20 pm Photo Op with Richard Speight, Jr. Tickets at registration for $45. If you have both a Richard photo op and autograph ticket for Jensen, Jared or Misha please get your photo op done first and then come back to the theatre. If your row or number was called you may get directly on line.
7:30 pm in the rear of the theatre: Autographs with Misha Collins for those with his autograph ticket. We will be calling by number with those who pre-ordered going first (by sequence number on your printed out ticket). Autograph tickets for Misha are available at registration for $40
7:45 pm Photo Op with Rob Benedict, tickets available at registration for $40 Please get these done and then come back to theatre for autographs if applicable
8:00 pm in the rear of the theatre: Autographs with Richard Speight, Jr., we will call by number. Richard’s autograph tickets are available at registration for $25
9:30 pm Photo Op with Misha Collins SOLD OUT
10:30 pm Photo Op with Co-Stars We Love: You with Misha and Jim! Tickets at registration for $119
10:30 pm Saturday Night Cocktail Party and Supernatural Themed Centerpiece Contest:
This event is exclusive and complimentary for our Gold Weekend Patrons. Those with centerpieces please come to the head of the line. Cameras only when guests first enter.
Guests tentatively are: Misha, Richard, Emily, Rob and Jim. AMAZON BALLROOM A
Sunday, March 10, 2013Sunday, March 10, 2013
9:00 am to 10:00 am Private Meet and Greet in the Coco Room for ten lucky fans with Samantha Smith and Julie McNiven. We still have limited seating available for this, tickets at registration for $100
9:15 am Vendors Room Set-Up/Vendors Only
9:30 am to 7 pm Vendors Room Open
9:30 am to 7 pm Registration Open
9:30 am: Theatre Opens to All
10:00 am: Music Video Open
10:05 am Welcome from host Richard Speight, Jr.
10:10 am Julie McNiven (Anna Milton) and Samantha Smith (Mary Winchester)
10:50 am Jim Beaver (Bobby)
11:30 am Supernatural Stump The Experts: Triva Game, be in the audience to play and WIN!
11:35 am Private Meet and Greet for Ten Lucky fans in the Coco Room with Sebastian Roche, Mark Sheppard and Ty Olsson in Coco Room A. Sold out!
11:35 am Photo Op with Richard Speight, Jr., ticket at registration for $45
11:45 am Photo Op with Julie McNiven, tickets at registration for $40
12:05 pm Photo Op with Samantha Smith, tickets available at registration for $40
12:05 pm Music Video Presentation MIx
12:20 pm Photo Op with Jim Beaver, tickets at registration for $60
12:45 pm Sebastian Roche (Balthazar) Sebastian’s panel is suggested for adults only!
1:25 pm The Supernatural Costume Competition $250 gift certificate prize to the best! Contestants, please be in the theatre at 1:15 pm for futher details (be seated and we will call you up)
1:40 pm Photo Op with Sebastian Roche, tickets at registration for $50
2:05 pm Ty Olsson (Benny/Eli)
2:55 pm Stage Reset/Break
3:10 pm in the vendors room: Autographs with Jim Beaver. Tickets available at registration for $35 for Jim.
3:15 pm to 4:15 pm Cocktail Party in THE PALMA BALLROOM with Sebastian Roche, Ty Olsson, Mark Sheppard, Samantha Smith and Julie McNiven. SOLD OUT thanks!
3:30 pm The Supernatural and Genre No Minimum Bid Auction: Pick up the last of our collectibles in this fast paced event!
4:20 pm Music Video Presentation
4:25 pm Mark Sheppard (Crowley)
5:15 pm Dinner Break
5:20 pm Photo Op with Ty Olsson, tickets at registration for $50
5:50 pm Photo Op with Mark Sheppard, tickets at registration for $50
6:15 pm Photo Op with Baddies We Love: YOU with Sebastian Roche, Ty Olsson and Mark Sheppard, tickets at registration for $139
6:20 pm to 7:20 pm Private Meet and Greet with Jim Beaver for ten lucky fans in The Coco Room. Sold out!
6:40 pm On One Side of the Theatre: Autographs with Mark Sheppard, Ty Olsson, and Julie McNiven, complimentary and called row by row for Gold Weekend Patrons followed by Silver Weekend Patrons and finally for those with separate autograph tickets (called by number) and on sale at registration for $30 for Mark or Ty Olsson and $20 for Julie.
6:45 pm In the rear of the theatre: autographs with Samantha Smith, tickets at registration for $20. We will call by number.
6:55 pm On the other side of the theatre: autographs with our host Richard Speight, Jr. and Sebastian Roche. Tickets at registration for $25 for Richard and $30 for Sebastian.
7:30 pm GOLD SEAT UPGRADES for the 2014 Las Vegas Salute to SUPERNATURAL starring, live and in person, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki and more guests than ever as we go to FOUR FULL DAYS: MARCH 13-16, 2014 AT THE RIO. Here, in this upgrade session, those that already reserved their seats for next year can try to move up to an even better seat. At the end of this session those that want to purchase Gold Seats from what remains can do so. Please see other page in this brochure for info.
7:45 pm Private Meet and Greet with Richard Speight, Jr. for TEN lucky fans, in The Coco Room. SOLD OUT!
9:30 pm Sunday Night Live in Concert: LOUDEN SWAIN!
The four-piece Los Angeles indie group Louden Swain makes music best described as a combo platter of classic, alternative and hard rock. Fronted by lead singer and actor Rob Benedict, Louden Swain also includes bassist Mike Borja, lead guitarist Billy Moran and drummer Stephen Norton. For video and more information on the band please visit www.loudenswain.com This special event is complimentary for our Gold Weekend Patrons (this show is non-reserved seating however). For others, tickets are $10 each and
available at registration or at the door.
Твиттер - #VegasCon, #SinCon
Страничка СуперВики - здесь
Сайт конвента - здесь
Friday, March 8, 2013
Friday, March 8, 2013
9:30 am to 10 am: Vendors Room Set-Up/Vendors Only
10 am to 7:30 pm Vendors Room Open
10 am to 11 am: Pre-Registration for Gold Weekend Patrons, not a necessity but a convenience.
10:50 am to 11:50 am in The Miranda 3 Room: Private Meet and Greet for Ten Lucky Fans with Rob Benedict, Matt Cohen and Richard Speight, Jr. SOLD OUT
11 am to 11:45 am: Pre-Registration for Silver Weekend Patrons, not a necessity but a convenience.
11:45 am to 7:30 pm Registration Open for All
Noon to 1 pm in Miranda 3: Private Meet and Greet for Ten Lucky Fans with James Patrick Stuart, Chad Lindberg, and Gabriel Tigerman. SOLD OUT.
12:20 pm to 7 pm Theatre Open
1:00 pm Elastic Waste Band, our house band, opens the show!
1:15 pm Welcome with your host Richard Speight, Jr. (Trickster)
1:30 pm Matt Cohen (Young John Winchester) and Rob Benedict (Chuck Shurley/Carver Edlund)
2:30 pm The Supernatural Yes/No Game: win gift certificates by showing off your knowledge of all things Supernatural! Be in the audience to play!
2:45 pm Photo Op with Matt Cohen, tickets at registration for $45
3:00 pm Music Video Mix
3:00 pm Photo Op with Favorite Stars Duo of Richard Speight, Jr and Matt Cohen (dressed in their normal convention attire: $69
3:25 pm Chad Lindberg (Ash) and Gabriel Tigerman (Andrew Gallagher)
4:05 pm Photo Op with Rob Benedict, tickets at registration for $40
4:05 pm Music Video Mix
4:30 pm James Patrick Stuart (Dick Roman)
5:30 pm On one side of the theatre: Autographs (complimentary and called row by row for Gold and Silver Weekend Patrons, followed by those with separate autograph tickets available at registration for $25 each) with Matt Cohen and Rob Benedict
5:30 pm Photo Op with Chad Lindberg, tickets at registration for $40 Please get these done and then come back for autographs if applicable.
5:50 pm Photo Op with Gabriel Tigerman, tickets at registration for $40 Please get these done and then come back for autographs if applicable.
6:10 pm Photo Op with James Patrick Stuart, tickets at registration for $40 Please get these done and then come back for autographs if applicable.
6:40 pm Photo Op with Richard Speight, Jr., tickets at registration for $45. Please get these done and then come back for autographs if applicable.
7:00 pm On the other side of the theatre: Autographs with Chad Lindberg, Gabriel Tigerman and James Patrick Stuart all of whom are signing only for those with autograph tickets, which are available at registration for: $25 for James Patrick Stewart, $20 for Chad or Gabriel.
7:15 pm in the theatre: Autographs with Richard Speight, Jr. (called in number order) Tickets at registration (while open) for $25
9 pm The Friday Evening Free for All:
Starring Kings Richard Speight, Jr. and Matt Cohen, joined by Chad Lindberg, James Patrick Stuart, Gabriel Tigerman and Rob Benedict. It’s Vegas so you never know who might show up!?!
Approximately 10 pm: KARAOKE KINGS DUO PHOTO OP: Richard Speight, Jr. and Matt Cohen in their “Viva Vegas” outfits, done during the Karaoke evening show. $69 at registration please purchase during the day
Saturday March 9, 2013Saturday March 9, 2013
8:15 am to 8:45 am Pre-Registration for Gold Weekend Patrons
8:45 am to 9 am Vendors Room Set-Up
8:45 am to 9:15 am Pre-Registration for Silver/Preferred Weekend Patrons
9 am to 7:45 pm Vendors Room Open to all
9:15 am to 8 pm Registration and Theatre Open for All
9:25 am In The Coco Room A: Private Meet and Greet for Ten Lucky Fans with Misha Collins. SOLD OUT
10 am Photo Ops with Jim Beaver, tickets at registration for $60
10:30 am Music Video Open
10:40 am Richard Speight, Jr. Welcome
10:45 am Music Video Presentation
10:50 am Emily Perkins (Becky Rosen)
11:30 am Misha Collins (Castiel)
12:40 pm Lunch for our Gold Weekend Patrons with special half hour exclusive J and J panel (Jensen and Jared will be joining us at approximately 2 pm, doors open at 12:40 pm for lunch which features a delicious array of deli selections. AMAZON BALLROOM A-D.
12:45 pm Rob Benedict (Chuck/Carver 2nd appearance)
1:30 pm Jim Beaver (Bobby) first of his two appearances this weekend as we know our Gold Patrons who are in the lunch will get to see Jim Sunday as well!
2:35pm – 3:20pm Jensen Solo Photo Ops (those with Jared’s private meet & greet may go first) SOLD OUT Note: the line for Jensen’s solo photo op will begin right outside the photo op room, down the Miranda patio and through the public corridor. Only those with photo op tickets should get on line. If you have additional photo ops after this, please follow the instructions for those after you are done with Jensen’s.
2:35 pm Angels, Demons and Creatures: a presentation that will put you in the mood for all the convention activities!
2:45pm – 3:15pm Jared Padalecki Private Meet & Greet for 20 lucky fans in Coco Room B. SOLD OUT
3:20 pm Richard Speight, Jr.
3:20pm – 4:05pm Jared & Jensen Duo Photo Ops SOLD OUT Those with duo photo op tickets should be seated (please sit in front rows first filling each seat) in the AMAZON Q ROOM. You will be escorted to photo op. If you have a Jared sold photo op please follow the instructions listed for that photo op after this one.
4:00 pm in the Vendors Room: Autographs with Jim Beaver, tickets available at registration for $35 Please note that Jim is also doing a signing tomorrow.
4:05pm – 4:50pm Jared Padalecki Solo Photo Ops (those with Jensen’s private meet & greet may go first) SOLD OUT Jared’s solo photo op line will begin between the Miranda and Brasilia Theatre and extend down the public corridor. Only those with photo op tickets should get on this line.
4:10 pm to 5 pm in the Vendors Room: Autographs with Emily Perkins and Rob Benedict, tickets available at registration for $20 for Emily and $25 for Rob (Rob is only signing for those with his autograph ticket today, he signed on a complimentary basis for Gold and Silver Weekend Patrons yesterday). If you have photo ops, always best to get those done frist and then come back for autographs.
4:15pm – 4:45pm in The Coco Room B: Jensen Ackles Private meet & greet for 20 lucky fans SOLD OUT
4:15 pm Stage Reset
4:30 pm to 5:15 pm Supernatural and Genre No Minimum Bid Auction: cool collectibles are yours for the bidding in this quick moving event!
5:05 pm Photo Op with Rob Benedict and Emily Perkins, tickets at registration for $65
5:15 pm Photo Op with Emily Perkins, tickets at registration for $40
5:15 pm to 5:35 pm Music Video Mix or Band
5:35pm – 6:35pm Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki
6:45pm – 7:15pm Trio photo ops: YOU with Jensen, Jared and Misha SOLD OUT
7:20 pm Autographs with Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki, complimentary for our Gold and Silver Patrons (called row by row) followed by those with separate autograph tickets (called by number). J & J AUTO TKTS ARE SOLD OUT.
7:20 pm Photo Op with Richard Speight, Jr. Tickets at registration for $45. If you have both a Richard photo op and autograph ticket for Jensen, Jared or Misha please get your photo op done first and then come back to the theatre. If your row or number was called you may get directly on line.
7:30 pm in the rear of the theatre: Autographs with Misha Collins for those with his autograph ticket. We will be calling by number with those who pre-ordered going first (by sequence number on your printed out ticket). Autograph tickets for Misha are available at registration for $40
7:45 pm Photo Op with Rob Benedict, tickets available at registration for $40 Please get these done and then come back to theatre for autographs if applicable
8:00 pm in the rear of the theatre: Autographs with Richard Speight, Jr., we will call by number. Richard’s autograph tickets are available at registration for $25
9:30 pm Photo Op with Misha Collins SOLD OUT
10:30 pm Photo Op with Co-Stars We Love: You with Misha and Jim! Tickets at registration for $119
10:30 pm Saturday Night Cocktail Party and Supernatural Themed Centerpiece Contest:
This event is exclusive and complimentary for our Gold Weekend Patrons. Those with centerpieces please come to the head of the line. Cameras only when guests first enter.
Guests tentatively are: Misha, Richard, Emily, Rob and Jim. AMAZON BALLROOM A
Sunday, March 10, 2013Sunday, March 10, 2013
9:00 am to 10:00 am Private Meet and Greet in the Coco Room for ten lucky fans with Samantha Smith and Julie McNiven. We still have limited seating available for this, tickets at registration for $100
9:15 am Vendors Room Set-Up/Vendors Only
9:30 am to 7 pm Vendors Room Open
9:30 am to 7 pm Registration Open
9:30 am: Theatre Opens to All
10:00 am: Music Video Open
10:05 am Welcome from host Richard Speight, Jr.
10:10 am Julie McNiven (Anna Milton) and Samantha Smith (Mary Winchester)
10:50 am Jim Beaver (Bobby)
11:30 am Supernatural Stump The Experts: Triva Game, be in the audience to play and WIN!
11:35 am Private Meet and Greet for Ten Lucky fans in the Coco Room with Sebastian Roche, Mark Sheppard and Ty Olsson in Coco Room A. Sold out!
11:35 am Photo Op with Richard Speight, Jr., ticket at registration for $45
11:45 am Photo Op with Julie McNiven, tickets at registration for $40
12:05 pm Photo Op with Samantha Smith, tickets available at registration for $40
12:05 pm Music Video Presentation MIx
12:20 pm Photo Op with Jim Beaver, tickets at registration for $60
12:45 pm Sebastian Roche (Balthazar) Sebastian’s panel is suggested for adults only!
1:25 pm The Supernatural Costume Competition $250 gift certificate prize to the best! Contestants, please be in the theatre at 1:15 pm for futher details (be seated and we will call you up)
1:40 pm Photo Op with Sebastian Roche, tickets at registration for $50
2:05 pm Ty Olsson (Benny/Eli)
2:55 pm Stage Reset/Break
3:10 pm in the vendors room: Autographs with Jim Beaver. Tickets available at registration for $35 for Jim.
3:15 pm to 4:15 pm Cocktail Party in THE PALMA BALLROOM with Sebastian Roche, Ty Olsson, Mark Sheppard, Samantha Smith and Julie McNiven. SOLD OUT thanks!
3:30 pm The Supernatural and Genre No Minimum Bid Auction: Pick up the last of our collectibles in this fast paced event!
4:20 pm Music Video Presentation
4:25 pm Mark Sheppard (Crowley)
5:15 pm Dinner Break
5:20 pm Photo Op with Ty Olsson, tickets at registration for $50
5:50 pm Photo Op with Mark Sheppard, tickets at registration for $50
6:15 pm Photo Op with Baddies We Love: YOU with Sebastian Roche, Ty Olsson and Mark Sheppard, tickets at registration for $139
6:20 pm to 7:20 pm Private Meet and Greet with Jim Beaver for ten lucky fans in The Coco Room. Sold out!
6:40 pm On One Side of the Theatre: Autographs with Mark Sheppard, Ty Olsson, and Julie McNiven, complimentary and called row by row for Gold Weekend Patrons followed by Silver Weekend Patrons and finally for those with separate autograph tickets (called by number) and on sale at registration for $30 for Mark or Ty Olsson and $20 for Julie.
6:45 pm In the rear of the theatre: autographs with Samantha Smith, tickets at registration for $20. We will call by number.
6:55 pm On the other side of the theatre: autographs with our host Richard Speight, Jr. and Sebastian Roche. Tickets at registration for $25 for Richard and $30 for Sebastian.
7:30 pm GOLD SEAT UPGRADES for the 2014 Las Vegas Salute to SUPERNATURAL starring, live and in person, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki and more guests than ever as we go to FOUR FULL DAYS: MARCH 13-16, 2014 AT THE RIO. Here, in this upgrade session, those that already reserved their seats for next year can try to move up to an even better seat. At the end of this session those that want to purchase Gold Seats from what remains can do so. Please see other page in this brochure for info.
7:45 pm Private Meet and Greet with Richard Speight, Jr. for TEN lucky fans, in The Coco Room. SOLD OUT!
9:30 pm Sunday Night Live in Concert: LOUDEN SWAIN!
The four-piece Los Angeles indie group Louden Swain makes music best described as a combo platter of classic, alternative and hard rock. Fronted by lead singer and actor Rob Benedict, Louden Swain also includes bassist Mike Borja, lead guitarist Billy Moran and drummer Stephen Norton. For video and more information on the band please visit www.loudenswain.com This special event is complimentary for our Gold Weekend Patrons (this show is non-reserved seating however). For others, tickets are $10 each and
available at registration or at the door.
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