Твитты панели Джеев переводить нет смысла, поскольку замечательный человек ~Amy~ собрала инфу с твиттов и отчетов и перевела эту красоту очень подробно: завтрак с Джеями здесь и панель Джеев здесь
Отчет о Meet&Greet с Дженсеном - здесь. Другие отчеты здесь, здесь. Отчет о том, как Джаред на сцене поздравлял фанатов с собранными ими 27 тыс. долларов для больницы Св. Иуды - здесь. Джаред обещал следить, чтобы расход средств был целевым.
Дженсен появился на сцене в одиночестве. И стал развлекать народ разными предположениями, например о том, что Джаред перепутал машины. Но через пару минут появился Джаред, и Джеи устроили обнимашечки))) И Джаред как обычно вспотел))) Вчера вечером Даниль наняла шеф-повара и устроила Дженсену ДР-обед, в котором Джаред и Стив тоже участвовали. Но по мнению Дженсена Даниль в СПН сниматься не будет. Дженсен опустил микрофон к промежности. Джаред: "А, он будет рассказывать". это к теме про говорящие члены, насколько я понимаю))) очень популярный мужской вопрос, еслечо))) но может, я своим извращенным мозгом поняла это по-своему, а Джеи ничего такого не имели в виду))) Дженсен считает, что смерть Бобби - это очень не здорово, но сам эпизод - один из лучших в шоу. А еще он очень устал от дурацких новых автомобилей Дина, и уверен, Дин - тоже. Кроме того, он любит скрипучие двери Импалы, полагая, что это добавляет характера, и очень скучает по детке. Наследник Джареда может появиться в любую минуту, и Джаред постоянно держит телефон включенным. Джеи в очередной раз поблагодарили фанатов за победу в РСА. Дженсен: "Многие вещи на протяжении всех этих лет оставались дурацкими", Джаред: *показывает на Дженсена* 8 сезон официально еще не одобрен, но его возможность весьма вероятна, и если он случится, возможно, эпизодов будет больше. Джаред считает, что Дин стал гораздо сексуальнее, когда вернулся из ада. Автомобиль мечты Джареда - Generation Two Corevette. Дженсен хочет получить Импалу после окончания съемок, хочет включить это в контракт. В самом начале, когда Дженсен переехал в ЛА, он жил в Бербанке около конного центра. Оскар стал огромным, он весит около 30 кг (70 фунтов) и ведет себя как маленький кокер-спаниель. Во времена первого сезона, если Дженсена просили объяснить, что происходит в шоу, он отвечал - городские легенды, машины, приключения и другие вещи, с которыми приходится сражаться по ночам. Когда ему этот вопрос задают о 7-м сезоне, он отвечает "Я не знаю". Самая сумасшедшая ситуация, в которой Сэм и Дин приняли участие? Джаред - "Щелкунчик!"
После панели Себастьяна Роше и Марка Шеппарда (твитт-трансляция) состоялась панель Ричарда Спейта-мл., Рика Ворси, Роба Бенедикта и Мэтта Коэна, ага, всех четверых сразу (твитты) Народ написал, что панель удалась, а кто бы сомневался? Затем на сцену вышел Миша (твитты панели), и последняя панель субботы - Джима Бивера (твитты). Кроме того, в ходе конвента было записано интервью с Мишей о его возвращении в СПН - здесь и на ютюбе, и интервью с Робом, Мэттом и Ричардом об их текущих проектах и планах на возвращение в СПН, на ютюбе
Итак, вчера прошли панели Ким Родс и Габирэля Тайгермана (твитт-трансляци), Чада Линдберга (твитт-трансляция), Роба Бенедикта (твитт-трансляция), вечером участники конвента имели возможность насладиться концертом группы Роба Бенедикта "Louden Swain" (видео 1, видео 2), и в завершение дня состоялось традиционное караоке Ричарда и Мэтта (твитты, видео), гостем которого сверх программы стал актер Майкл Гудлиц. И нет, в этот раз Мэтт обошелся без стриптиза, а жаль
Суббота началась панелью Гая Нормана Би и Сэммюэля Хеннингса (твитты), а только что закончилась панель Себастьяна Роше и Марка Шепарда
И фотки, много! Вообще-то их больше, но я выбрала те, что получше качеством
Сегодня в далеком солнечном городе Лос-Анджелес (Бербанк) стартовал конвент Salute to Supernatural 2012 Гости конвента - Джаред, Дженсен, Миша, другие актеры, много, и даже один режиссер - Гай Норман Би В программе заявлены: панели с актерами - общие и приватные, традиционное угарное караоке Ричарда и Мэтта, которое случится уже сегодня (у нас - завтра утром), концерт группы Роба Бенедикта "Louden Swain" (тоже сегодня), коктейль-пати с Мишей и другими актерами (в субботу) и еще много чего интересного
Ссылки: Страничка СуперВики - здесь Твиттер - #BurCon Официальный сайт конвента - здесь
10:30 am to 11 am Vendors Room Open/Vendors Only 10:45 am to 11:45 am: GOLD WEEKEND Pre-Registration, not a necessity, you may register anytime registration is open. 11 am to 6:30 pm VENDORS ROOM OPEN for all already registered patrons 11:45 am to 12:05 pm: Pre-Registration for SILVER/PREFERRED WEEKEND Patrons, not a necessity, just a convenience. 12:05 pm to 6:30 pm REGISTRATION AND THEATRE OPEN FOR ALL 12:40 am Tribute to Supernatural Music Video Open and welcome 12:50 am Kim Rhodes (Sheriff Jody Mills) 1:30 pm Tribute to Supernatural Music Video 1:35 pm Chad Lindberg (Ash) 2:20 pm The Supernatural Yes/No Trivia Game: up to 90 audience members can play on stage and vie for up to $1750 in gift certificates. Potential contestants please be in the audience! 2:25 pm Photo Op with Kim Rhodes, tickets at registration at $40 each. 2:45 pm Photo Op with Chad Lindberg, tickets at registration at $40 each 3:00 pm Tribute to Supernatural Music Video 3:00 pm Private meet and greet for 10 lucky fans with Rob Benedict and Kim Rhodes, sold out. In the Executive Room in the East Tower. 3:05 pm Intermission & Lunch Break 4:00 pm Tribute to Supernatural Music Video 4:05 pm Rob Benedict (Chuck Shurley/Carver Edlund) 4:50 pm Tribute to Supernatural Music Video Mix 5:00 pm Photo Op with Rob Benedict, tickets at registration for $45 each 5:20 pm Autographing with Chad Lindberg, Kim Rhodes, and Rob Benedict as follows:
On One Side of the Theatre: Kim Rhodes and Rob Benedict will sign on a complimentary basis for Gold & Silver/Preferred Weekend Patrons, all called row by row, followed by those with autograph tickets (available at registration for $25 for Kim Rhodes and $30 for Rob Benedict) which we will call by number (pre-convention sold ones called first). Note that Rob will only sign on a complimentary basis for Gold and Silver/Preferred Weekend today as well as for those with his autograph ticket, tomorrow he will sign ONLY for those with his autograph ticket.
On The Other Side of the Theatre: Chad Lindberg is signing on a complimentary basis for Gold Weekend Patrons (called row by row, followed by those with his autograph tickets which are available at registration for $20 and we will call by number. pre-sold prior to the convention numbers called first)
6 pm to 7 pm THE KARAOKE DJ ERIC will be present in the back of the theatre to take names of potential singers and also help them select their songs for tonight's Karaoke Party
FRIDAY 9:00 PM: LOUDEN SWAIN IN CONCERT, complimentary for our Gold Weekend Patrons (keep same great seats), for others tickets are $20 general admission available at the convention Friday or at the door to the concert.
FRIDAY 10:00 PM: This is it: the hysteria is building as all of fandom is talking about Creation's FREE famous Dick and Matt's Karaoke Experience starring Richard Speight, Jr. and Matt Cohen with extra special guests and starring YOU with the greatest back-up singers Supernatural can supply! Don't forget to come in 60's attire like Matt and Richard, Jr. and make sure to pick up your very special souvenir: a specially shot professional pic of you in all your glory with the stars (or grab one of their new cool t-shirts)! PHOTO OP pictures of Richard and Matt take place during the Karaoke Night Party at 11pm and are available there or earlier today at registration for $69 each. NOTE: SEATS ARE REMOVED IN FRONT SO THIS IS A GENERAL ADMISSION STANDING ROOM EVENT PER THE REQUEST OF OUR CELEBRITY HOSTS! СубботаSATURDAY, MARCH 3, 2012
7:45 am to 8:00 am Vendors Set UP/Vendors Only 8 am to 6:00 pm Vendors Room Open to all those registered 8 am to 8:45 am Pre-Registration for any Gold or Silver/Preferred Weekend Members not yet set (not a necessity, just a convenience) 8:45 am to 6:00 pm Registration and Vendors Room Open to All 9:25 am MAIN THEATRE OPEN TO ALL REGISTERED ATTENDEES 9:30 am Photo Op with Mark Sheppard, tickets at registration for $50 9:45 am Salute to Supernatural Music Video 9:50 am Guy Norman Bee (director) 10:10 am Photo Op with Sebastian Roche, tickets at registration for $50 10:35 am Music Video Salute to Supernatural Mix 10:45 am Super Genre stars Supernatural Guest Star Panel with Sebastian Roche (Balthazar) and Mark Sheppard (Crowley) 11:40 am Lunch Break and Intermission 11:40 am Photo Op with Matt Cohen , tickets at registration for $45. If you have a private meet and greet with Sebastian, Mark and Rick you can go to the head of the line. 11:45 am Private Meet and Greet with Sebastian Roche, Mark Sheppard and Rick Worthy, SOLD OUT. In the Executive Room in the East Tower. 12:05 pm Photo Op with Richard Speight, Jr., tickets available at registration for $45. Please note you may also use this ticket for Sunday's photo op session with Richard. 12:35 pm Photo Op with Richard Speight, Jr. and Matt Cohen. DUO SHOT IN REGULAR OUTFITS: Popular stars together in a photo with YOU! In this one they are in the regular convention attire. Tickets at registration for $69 12:45 pm The Supernatural and Genre No Minimum Bid Auction: tons of cool stuff up for grabs at low, low prices: be on hand to bid! 1:00 pm Photo Op with Rick Worthy, tickets at registration for $40 1:10 pm Photo Op with Mark Sheppard and Misha Collins, tickets at registration for $119 1:25 pm Music Video Salute to Supernatural 1:30 pm Fan Favorite Guest Stars Panel: Richard Speight, Jr. (Trickster and Gabriel), Rick Worthy (Alpha Vampire in "Family Matters" and "Live Free or Twihard"), Rob Benedict (Chuck Shurley) and Matt Cohen (Young John Winchester) 2:10 pm Music Video Salute to Supernatural 2:15 pm Misha Collins (Castiel) 3:00 pm until 3:55 pm: In the vendors area Jim Beaver will also be signing autographs with those who have his autograph ticket, available at registration $35 each. Jim's book, Life's This Way, will also be available and on sale at this time. He will also be signing this evening with the other stars as well as on Sunday. Please note that we have to cut the line off at 3:55 pm so Jim can make his photo op with Misha. 3:05 pm to 4:05 pm: Private Meet and Greet for 10 lucky fans with Richard Speight, Jr. and Matt Cohen. SOLD OUT In the Executive Room in the East Tower 3:10 pm to 4:10 pm Private Meet and Greet for 10 lucky fans with Rob Benedict. A few tickets remain, see registration for availability. In the Producers A East Tower. 3:15 pm Supernatural Trivia Game: Stump the Experts! Be in the audience to take part in the fun! Lots of prizes for the on-stage winners, questions from the audience so be ready with your trivia questions and YOUR chance to win too! 3:20 pm Photo Op with Misha Collins, tickets at registration for $70 4:00 pm Photo Op with Misha Collins and Jim Beaver and YOU, tickets at registration for $129 3:45 pm Salute to Supernatural Music Video Mix 4:30 pm Jim Beaver (Bobby)
Autographs with Misha Collins, Jim Beaver, Matt Cohen, Richard Speight, Jr., Sebastian Roche, Rick Worthy, Mark Sheppard, Guy Norman Bee, Rob Benedict AS FOLLOWS: 5:10 pm In the rear of the theatre Guy Norman Bee will be meeting those who wish to get his complimentary autograph
5:15 pm On one side of the theatre: Misha Collins, Matt Cohen, Richard Speight, Jr., and Mark Sheppard will be signing on a complimentary basis for Gold Weekend and Silver/Preferred Weekend Patrons (we will call you up row by row followed by those with autograph tickets for all those with any or all of those autograph tickets on sale at registration for $40 for Misha Collins or Mark Sheppard, $25 for Matt Cohen or Richard Speight, Jr.). Those with pre-purchased autograph tickets via computer prior to the convention will be called first during the "number" calling autographs.
Sebastian Roche and Rick Worthy will be signing on a complimentary basis for Gold Weekend Packages (as called row by row) and then for those with either or both autograph tickets, available at registration during the day for $35 for Sebastian and $20 for Rick (we will call you up by number and most likely move Sebastian and Rick's signing to the other side of the theatre when they start signing for those with their autograph tickets). Those with pre-purchased autograph tickets via computer prior to the convention will be called first during the "number" calling autographs.
5:20 pm Photo Op with Jim Beaver, please get this and then come back for your autographs. If your row was called you may get immediately back where you would have been located. Jim's photo op ticket is available at registration for $60. Please note you may also instead use this ticket for Jim's photo op on Sunday. 5:50 pm Photo Op with Rob Benedict, tickets at registration for $45. please get this and then come back for your autographs. If your row was called you may get immediately back where you would have been located. 6:15 PM: On one side of the theatre: Jim Beaver and Rob Benedict will be signing for those with autograph tickets, available at registration during the day for $30 for Rob and $35 for Jim Beaver (we will call you up by ticket number, pre sold, pre convention tickets called first). 7:30 pm in the Theatre: The Costume Competition: come and join the fun! Here contestants come dressed as their favorite Supernatural characters and vie for great prizes including a $250 best in show costume! Everyone wins something! Contestants be in the theatre at 7:15 pm. Those in autograph lines can join the contest and then after rejoin the line where they were. 10 pm Private Meet and Greet with Jim Beaver. Two seats remain at $200, please see registration during the day to grab the last two seats. In the Executive Room in the East Tower. 10:05 pm Meet and Greet with Misha Collins, tickets SOLD OUT. Location to be Producers A room, East Tower.
Saturday, March 3, 2012 10:45 pm The Great Creation Celebrity Cocktail Party and Centerpiece Contest: This is gonna be wild and it is ONLY open to our GOLD WEEKEND PATRONS as an exclusive to Gold folks only! Tentative guests include: MISHA COLLINS, MARK SHEPPARD, MATT COHEN, RICHARD SPEIGHT, SEBASTIAN ROCHE, RICK WORTHY and JIM BEAVER! AND DON'T FORGET: this party also features your chance to shine creatively by bringing along the very best SUPERNATURAL themed CENTERPIECE! A $250 gift certificate is awarded to the best, so get cracking! ВоскресеньеSUNDAY, March 4
SUNDAY 7:45am BREAKFAST OPENS IN THE ACADEMY BALLROOM– Creation's Salute to Supernatural Continental Breakfast and Silent Charity Auction with JENSEN & JARED (they will arrive at approximately 9:00am) . EXCLUSIVE TO GOLD PATRONS: YOU MUST SHOW YOUR GOLD LANYARD AND GOLD WRISTBAND TO ENTER. After the breakfast is over and if you also have a solo photo op with Jensen or Jared or with the duo, please come over to the City Ballroom in the West Tower where you can relax until we take you over to the photo op area row by row. Please do not go directly to the photo op area as you will be turned away.
VENDORS ROOM: Set-Up vendors only: 7:45 am to 8 am. VENDORS ROOM OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 8am to 5 pm
Sunday 9 am: PHOTO OP WAITING AREA FOR JENSEN AND JARED AND DUO J&J PHOTOS START AT 9:00 AM AND WILL BE HELD IN THE CITY BALLROOM IN THE WEST TOWER ONLY for all those with PHOTO OPS WITH SOLO JENSEN, JARED & JENSEN DUO PHOTO OPS AND SOLO JARED PHOTO OPS. For all Jared & Jensen solo and duo photo ops only, PLEASE make sure you have changed your PDF ticket that you printed from your computer to a hard ticket at registration. Bring to registration when there is no line if possible. All other photo ops please use your PDF (printed from your computer) tickets if you bought them in advance. Please sit in the appropriate sectionof the City Ballroom and we will bring you to the photo op line, do not go to the photo op line directly.
9:40am – 10:25 am Jensen solo photo ops. SOLD OUT. If you have Jared private Meet and Greet you may go first. 9:50 am – 10:20 am Jared private meet & greet for 20 lucky fans. SOLD OUT. Located in PRODUCERS A & B in the EAST TOWER. 10:30 am – 11:15 am Jared & Jensen duo photo ops, SOLD OUT. 11:15 am – 12:30 am Jared solo photo ops, there are a few tickets left at registration for $129. (if you have Jensen private meet and greet, you may go first ) 11:25 am – 11:55 am Jensen private meet & greet for 20 lucky fans. SOLD OUT. Located in PRODUCERS A & B in the EAST TOWER. 11:30 AM MAIN THEATRE OPENS FOR ALL PATRONS! 12:00 pm Music Video Open 12:05 pm Jim Beaver (Bobby) and Richard Speight, Jr. (Trickster/Gabriel) 12:55 pm Music Video Intro 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Jensen and Jared on stage together 2:15 pm – 4:00 pm Jared & Jensen autographs, we still have some Jared autograph tickets left at registration for $89 each. Jensen autographs are SOLD OUT. Those with Richard Speight, Jr. meet & greet tickets may go first. 2:15 pm Photo Ops with Jim Beaver, tickets at registration for $60, get these done and then come back for J & J autographs if applicable. If your row was called you may get immediately back where you would have been located. 2:45 pm – 4:00 pm IN THE BACK OF THE THEATRE, Jim Beaver will be signing autographs with those who have his autograph ticket, available at registration $35 each. Jim's book, Life's This Way, will also be available and on sale at this time. 2:40 pm to 3:40 pm Private Meet and Greet for 10 Lucky fans with Richard Speight, Jr. Some seats remain, tickets at registration for $175, check for availability. Located in the Producers Room East Tower. 2:45 pm Photo Ops with Madison McLaughlin, tickets at registration for $40, get these done first and then come back for J & J autographs if applicable. If your row was called you may get immediately back where you would have been located. If you have a Richard Speight, Jr meet & greet, you may go first. 3:30 pm Music Video Salute 3:35 pm The last SUPERNATURAL NO MINIMUM AUCTION: Our famous banners and so much more all up for grabs in this fast moving fun event! 3:45 pm Photo Ops with Richard Speight, tickets at registration for $45 4:05 Madison McLaughlin (Krissy Chambers) 4:40 pm Autographs with Richard Speight, Jr. and Madison McLaughlin for those with their autograph tickets. Richard is signing today ONLY for those with his autograph tickets (he signed for Gold/Silver yesterday). Pre-sale/PDF tickets will be called first, then autograph tickets purchased at the event. Autograph tickets are available at registration for $25 for Richard and $20 for Madison. 5:15 PM UPGRADES FOR GOLD SEATING FOR OUR NEXT AREA SHOW: NEXT YEAR, WE'RE MOVING TO LAS VEGAS AT THE RIO SUITES HOTEL ON MARCH 8-10, 2013 FOR THE BIGGEST SUPERNATURAL CONVENTION EVER! RESERVE YOUR GOLD SEATS THIS WEEKEND: AND GET THE SAME OR BETER SEATS THAN YOU HAVE HERE IN BURBANK AND SAVE MONEY TOO! SEE OTHER PAGE WITHIN THIS BROCHURE! For those that signed up we will call you up during this session and see if we can get you an even better seat.
Джаред передал от Дженсена фанатам благодарность за поздравления Jared Padalecki @jarpad Mr. Jensen Ackles says thanks for all of the birthday wishes! And he wants to know what "trending" means pic.twitter.com/HfeC3qrJ Мистер Дженсен Эклз сказал спасибо всем за пожелания на день рождения! И он хочет знать, что значит "trending" (с) Похоже, кое-кто этот день рождения уже начал праздновать
и еще: Jared Padalecki @jarpad Also, thanks everybody for the lovely anniversary wishes А также, спасибо за поздравления с годовщиной (это про свадьбу... честно говоря, сама я не додумалась, просто не сообразила, что кто-то Джареда с этим поздравил)))
Ну кагбэ... С этих слов я хотела начать пост, но потом вспомнила, сколько постов в последние пару месяцев начиналось с этой сакраментальной фразы... хотя, по ощущениям она подошла бы больше всего
Что самое главное в искусстве актера? Неа, главное - выдержать паузу! Про загадочную фотку Даниль я писала в предыдущем посте, пауза затянулась ровно на три дня, что в общем и целом говорит о мастерстве, не иначе. Сегодня, а за океаном это было еще вчера вечером, брат Даниль - Джино на твиттере выложил продолжение: читать дальше На фотке с Джино - @SanvNoord. Джино, конечно - зачотный фотограф, слов нет, но по очертаниям человек, находящийся в кадре с Даниль, всеми приметами похож на Дженсена. Сомнения фанатов развеял пост очевидцев, со слов которых Дженсен и Даниль отдыхали в отеле Portofino Beach Resort, на острове La Isla Bonita, Белиз, и улетели 27 февраля. Фотка сделана в ночном клубе Jaguar’s Temple Night Club:
И по информации @canadagraphs оба Джея находятся в недельном отпуске, еще примерено на 5 съемочных дней, не включая выходные. О каких трех днях говорила Карина Маккензи, пока остается загадкой... АПД У Канадаграфа ненадежные источники - 29-го Джеи были на съемочной площадке, фотки тут)))